A "cookie" is a small text file stored on your computer by web sites you have visited. Cookies are used to provide the visitors of web sites access to different features and functionalities. The information contained in the cookie can be used to monitor the way you are using the Internet. According to the European Union's e-privacy directive all of our visitors must have access to information which declare that this site is using cookies and describe the reason they are used. Visitors must also consent to the use of these cookies.
This web site is using the following cookies:
Cookie name
Session ID cookie. Used by our site's software (Wordpress) to identify your current session and allow logging in to our site, remember which country you selected to view prices for etc.
Used by our site's software (Joomla) for purposes of logging into our site.
Used to remember whether you have consented to using cookies on our site
Google Analytics. Third party cookie used in collecting information about the way visitors are using our web site.
Google Analytics
This web site makes use of the "Google Analytics" third party analytics tool to gather information about the way visitors use ths site. The "Google Analytics" tool makes use of cookies to collect anonymous (aggregate) information about the way visitors use the site, such as the number of page views, how visitors reached our site and how many times they have visited our site. This information is used to improve our visitors' experience using our web site. The information generated by your visit is collected by Alphabet Inc. (formerly Google Inc.).
Our site is using IP address anonymization for the "Google Analytics" tool. This means that the last octet of IPv4 IP addresses and the last 80 bits of IPv6 addresses are replaced by zeroes before they are sent to and collected by the third party "Google Analytics" service. The replacement takes place in the memory of your web browser and is never stored on disk or transmitted over the network. Therefore your IP address is never recorded permanently as a result of our use of "Google Analytics".
This web site makes use of the third party video streaming service "YouTube" to display videos, e.g. in the Videos section of our site. This site is using the "youtube-nocookies.com" domain name to display these videos. Per YouTube's documentation this means that no cookies will be sent to your browser.
Please note that on some older browsers which use Adobe Flash (instead of native HTML 5 video) to stream video it is possible that a different kind of cookies, called "Flash cookies", will be stored on your computer for purposes of allowing you to stream video and keep track of your video preferences e.g. closed captioning, position in the video, volume level etc.
We recommend that our visitors do NOT enable the Adobe Flash plugin on their browsers for reasons of privacy and security. All modern browsers support HTML5 video which is a safer alternative that does not rely on cookies to deliver video.
How to avoid cookies
Our site gives you the option to consent to the use of cookies when you first visit our site. Moreover, you can revoke or give again your consent at any time through the clearly marked controls at the bottom of every page of our site. If you revoke your consent only the cookies marked as Mandatory above will be sent to your browser.
Please note that revoking consent does NOT remove third party cookies from your web browser since there is no technical means to do so (third party cookies are managed by third party sites; as such, we have no control over their expiration and presence on your web server). Please remember to delete such cookies manually.
If you prefer to reject cookies by default, you can change your web browser settings to that effect. All major browsers let you either reject cookies by default or ask you if you want to accept cookies. All major browsers allows you to review and / or delete cookies which have been stored on your computer in the past. Moreover, we strongly recommend that you turn on the Do Not Track feature on your browser. For more information please refer to the documentation of your web browser.
Kindly note that rejecting the cookies marked above as Mandatory will make it impossible for you to use our site properly. It will make it technically impossible to log into our site. We would like to kindly remind you that this is not an acceptable reason for a refund since the liability for your inability to use our services lies with you, not us.